Dreams, Dreams and Dreams… Nurture them.

All the people in this world have some dreams, and all of the dreams of a person are always fulfilled. Though the attempt has to be constant in achievement of our goals or dreams. We as social being are affected by society, family and by each other but children are mainly affected by their parents, peer groups, school and teachers. Their personality gets finally shaped up by their experiences they desire from day to day life.

Parents have a pivotal role in shaping a child’s personality, traits and values since the child grows up observing their living style, behavior, response to stress, conflicts, mutual relationships, values etc. Without any extrinsic pressure, he starts imbibing these things and automatically starts creating the image of his role model. Though the parents need to be very alert and cautious in their behaviour, attitude & values infront of the child-there should not be so much regimentation or constraints on the child that he/she coils within himself/herself and does not share anything with his parents.

For many childrenthe crucial time comes in a child’s life, when taking decision regarding one’s career. This time the child seems perplexed being inferred by the parents’ vision, teachers’ suggestions, fellow mates and their own interests and ambition – a time when they need lot of guidance and support. Parents must always remember that expecting their child to become what they feel right is like nurturing their own dreams rather than the child’s. Instead they should sit together with the child, discuss all the Pros and cons and discuss the future prospects in detail. After the final decision, they all should be focused and together move ahead for the journey as the child will not only need financial but emotional support as well.

Dreams have the power to come true. Essential is to make children realize their potential and enable them to see dreams. Parents must take out time to discover, analyse and support their children’s dreams. They shall prepare the children for unforeseen situations and to face and overcome the challenges of life.

The role of a teacher in this modern era has also changed with the evolution of technology. Since the vast reservoir of information and knowledge is already available in technology enabled solution, teacher is ‘one’ medium not ‘the only one’ source of knowledge. It is very essential for a teacher to be able to read art of the minds of the students, be a mentor, facilitator and a guide, understand their abilities and interests and thus guide them further. As a counselor, teacher must be aware of the happening and trends around and must be able to guide and direct them to the right direction. Teacher should analyse the dreams of the students, discuss with his parents, give emotional support and academic knowledge to nourish their areas. He has to facilitate the students by sharing them way to explore, discover and create knowledge.

21st century child lives in a diverse and globalized community and to face all the odds of this competitive world, he must have a set of requisite skills like thinking and rearranging logically, problem solving collaboration, creativity and also must be adept at information finding, assessing evaluating and applying new contents. Here comes the role of the schools to focus on all round development of children through extra-curricular activities like projects, debates, workshops, sports, cultural activities which would provide practical experiences to develop life skills like empathy, effective communication, critical thinking, creative thinking, decision making, problem solving, self awareness, interpersonal relationship, coping with stress and anxiety etc. Social community services, lectures by eminent speakers, achievers from different walks of life will certainly provide them an insight. These would not only give an impetus to the students’ dreams but also help them to set their goals high. Schools ensure that children maintain balance in academics and co-curricular activities with right moral values as an integral part of their personality.

What I mean to say that every segment of this society does affect the dreams of the children. Several platforms are available and open for the children to choose one from as their career.

Every child has a different dream, varied capabilities, therefore special efforts must be made from all the core partners to nurture his dreams. Pablo Picasso said ‘There is an artist in each child and we have to explore his art to make his talent most productive to the society and to himself’.

Overall, we see that in this time of cut-throat competition, it becomes the prime responsibility of parents, teachers, schools, friends and fellow mates and by large, this society that children who are still growing up to be strong, struggling to make out their way to the big world ahead are given their due support.

Proper environment, encouragement and motivation must be given to them so they are able to dream BIG, fight for them and at the end of their struggle are able to achieve it, leading to a ‘Fuller’ life.